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John Brooks
John Brooks

Martial Arts Books Free Download Pdf [TOP]

The Animal Flow for Martial Arts and Combat Sports (MACS) multimedia book provides a complete guide for the novice or advanced martial artist to successfully integrate this ground-based movement system. Over 230 pages, the 9 chapters cover topics including the science of energy systems, strength and conditioning, injury prevention, and 4 chapters dedicated to specific martial arts practices. More than 170+ videos provide detailed tutorials for each of the techniques, as well as drills, interval training, and full workouts. This book is ideal for you if you are ready to level up your MACS performance.

Martial Arts Books Free Download Pdf

You'll receive the book in PDF format. The best way to read it is to download it to your computer or tablet, and open it in Adobe Reader (available for free). You can also open it in other reading programs, including Preview or any software made to read PDFs.

The book is designed to be applicable to all kinds of martial arts and combat sports, including both striking and grappling variations. Many of the chapters address underlying elements that are universally helpful to training in martial arts, such as energy systems, strength training, and injury prevention. There are also some chapters that discuss applying Animal Flow practice to specific disciplines, such as Kung Fu, Karate, Boxing, and BJJ. Many of the techniques, drills and workouts provided in those specific chapters have a high carry over to other MACS styles.

No, Animal Flow has not expanded to include martial arts. This book is about how to use Animal Flow to improve your MACS training and performance. We'll leave your fight-specific training to you and your coach!

Many "movement" disciplines can look similar, since they all incorporate some elements of "flow" while moving your body through space without using equipment. However, just as all rock bands are not the same, not all movement disciplines are the same. Animal Flow utilizes a specific set of movements, taught in a specific way with their own techniques, rules, and intentions. While it shares a visual quality of "body movement" with some other disciplines, Animal Flow is a unique program. It does not have any martial arts or combat components, and does not draw upon any of those areas.

You will see an influence of breakdancing in many of the movements. Recognizing that breakdancing itself draws upon a long history with roots in African dance, salsa, Capoeira, and other disciplines, Animal Flow can visually bring some of those disciplines to mind. However, Mike Fitch had no direct training in martial arts or yoga when designing Animal Flow and thus makes no claims to incorporating those schools into the program. Rather, he gives credit to the coaches he had in breakdancing, parkour and gymnastics in providing him with the basis for developing the Animal Flow program.

We understand that many individuals working as coaches or instructors in martial arts fields may not have an accredited fitness credential, as many martial arts systems operate differently. Therefore, for individuals coming from martial arts fields who wish to become Certified Animal Flow Instructors, we will instead look at your experience as an instructor. It is not enough to be a high-level practitioner in your field - you will need to have at least two years experience working as a coach or instructor. Contact us if you have questions about your qualifications.

Open Culture scours the web for the best educational media. We find the free courses and audio books you need, the language lessons & educational videos you want, and plenty of enlightenment in between.

Wiktenauer is an ongoing collaboration among researchers and practitioners from across the Western martial arts (WMA) community, seeking to collect all of the primary and secondary source literature that makes up the text of historical European martial arts (HEMA) research and to organize and present it in a scholarly but accessible format. The Wiktenauer project started in 2009, later receiving sponsorship from the HEMA Alliance, and is named for Johannes Liechtenauer, grand master of the best-documented tradition of the early Modern era, the subject of many dozens of manuscripts and books over a period of nearly three centuries.

A startling look at the unexpected places where violent hate groups recruit young peopleHate crimes. Misinformation and conspiracy theories. Foiled white-supremacist plots. The signs of growing far-right extremism are all around us, and communities across America and around the globe are struggling to understand how so many people are being radicalized and why they are increasingly attracted to violent movements. Hate in the Homeland shows how tomorrow's far-right nationalists are being recruited in surprising places, from college campuses and mixed martial arts gyms to clothing stores, online gaming chat rooms, and YouTube cooking channels.Instead of focusing on the how and why of far-right radicalization, Cynthia Miller-Idriss seeks answers in the physical and virtual spaces where hate is cultivated. Where does the far right do its recruiting? When do young people encounter extremist messaging in their everyday lives? Miller-Idriss shows how far-right groups are swelling their ranks and developing their cultural, intellectual, and financial capacities in a variety of mainstream settings. She demonstrates how young people on the margins of our communities are targeted in these settings, and how the path to radicalization is a nuanced process of moving in and out of far-right scenes throughout adolescence and adulthood.Hate in the Homeland is essential for understanding the tactics and underlying ideas of modern far-right extremism. This eye-opening book takes readers into the mainstream places and spaces where today's far right is engaging and ensnaring young people, and reveals innovative strategies we can use to combat extremist radicalization.

In matters of martial arts, the martial art involved in facing off with another using two swords has but one winner and one loser. This is very small-scale martial art; what is won or lost by victory or defeat is little. But when the whole land wins on one individual's victory, or the whole land loses on one individual's defeat, this is martial art on a large scale.

Yagyu Munenori, author of this work, headed the shogun's secret service, overseeing the direct vassals. His appointment is dated to the year he finished this book on martial arts, but by the time of this writing he was already tutor to the shogun, and his observation on corruption in government reflects a professional as well as a personal concern. Because of the strict hierarchical nature of Japanese feudal organization, compromise in higher circles created particular problems for a fiefdom, endangering the integrity of the entire organization.

The idea of secret transmission became prominent in both Zen and Bushido during the last feudal age, when the overt activities of monks and samurai were strictly regulated by governmental regulations. In the Rinzai sect of Zen, secrecy surrounding the koan became paramount, while in the Soto sect of Zen a similar occultism shrouded ritual enactment of lineage transmission. In the realm of Bushido both of these forms of esoterism were emulated in the teaching of supposedly secret sword techniques and the organization of martial arts schools in familial and pseudo-familial lineages.

While the secretive nature of Zen and martial arts may have been intensified by political conditions in the fractious world of feudal Japan, the origin of secrecy in esoteric teaching derived from the need to select suitable candidates and to protect society from misuse of knowledge. That is why it is sometimes said that there is no secret, or that the secret is in yourself whereas it may also be insisted that the secret is in itself ineffable, so that it cannot be explained to another but only acknowledged by oneself.

This is the ultimate sense and the progressive transcendentalism of all the Zen arts. Forgetting learning, relinquishing mind completely, harmonizing without any subjective awareness of it, is the consummation of the Way. This stage is a matter of entering from learning into freedom from learning.

In the context of martial arts, lowering the center of gravity can be called will. Facing off to kill or be killed can be called energy. Lower your center of gravity securely, and don't let your energy become hasty and aggressive.

In Zen teaching method, intentional output designed to provoke reaction is called beating the grass to scare the snakes. A Zen master's statement or question, therefore, or an action or gesture, may not be intended to convey a meaning or message in itself, but to bring out the mentality of a student for observation. In martial arts, the analogy is to a feint, a gesture, look, or attitude intended to induce an opponent to act in haste, thus exposing himself to counterattack, or to mistakenly defend the wrong target while leaving the intended target open. Feinting is not only a means of distracting an opponent's attention from the intended target to neutralize defensive maneuvers, it is also a means of eliciting and interpreting the opponent's particular habits and skills.

Whether in song or dance, without knowing the tempo neither can be performed. There must also be a sense of tempo in martial arts. Seeing with certainty how an adversary's sword is working, how he is handling it, to discern what is in his mind requires the same sense as mastery of the tempos of song and dance. When you know your opponent's moves and manners well, you can make your own maneuvers freely.

In this way, in martial arts as well, you activate your energy inwardly, constantly attentive, while remaining outwardly calm and unruffled. This is yang moving within while yin is quiet without. This is in accord with the pattern of Nature.

This story contains a principle that applies to all the arts. Asked what the Way is, the ancient worthy replied that the normal mind is the Way. This is indeed supreme. This is the state where the sicknesses of the mind are all gone and one has become normal in mind, free from sickness even in the midst of sickness.


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